United States Constitution

United States Constitution

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The supreme law of the United States, the Constitution defines the fundamental rights and of citizens
and the duties of their government. For law enforcement professionals, familiarity with the
Constitution’s guarantees and prohibitions—especially those found within the First, Second, Fourth,
Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments—is indispensable.

The United States Constitution establishes the fundamental and supreme laws of the country. While the
original Articles establish the powers and duties of the Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Branches, as well
as basic processes of the federal government, the Bill of Rights and subsequent Amendments recognize
and define specific personal rights that are vital to all interactions with law enforcement. This volume
sets out the full text of the First Amendment, guaranteeing the rights of free religion, speech, press, and
assembly; the Second Amendment, defining the right to keep and bear arms; the Fourth Amendment,
guaranteeing security from unwarranted searches and seizures; the Fifth Amendment, defining the
rights of accused in criminal proceedings; the Sixth Amendment, guaranteeing trial rights for
defendants; the Eighth Amendment, restricting the nature of bails, fines, and punishments; and the
Fourteenth Amendment, extending the federal due process and equal protection guarantees to the

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