Connecticut Law Enforcement Guide to the 4th Amendment & Expectation of Privacy: 2025 Ed.

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LAST RELEASE DATE September 18, 2024
Connecticut Law Enforcement Guide to the 4th Amendment & Expectation of Privacy: 2025 Ed.

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Everything every officer MUST know about one of the most important Constitutional issues in policing... straight from an experienced career prosecutor, Louis Luba, J.D. Includes case law references and best practices to enhance understanding and application. Current through the 2024 Legislative session.


Probable Cause & Reasonable Suspicion

Search Warrants & Warrantless Searches

Search Incident to Arrest

Plain View/Plain Feel and much more.

(Table of contents from 2024 Ed. For informational use only)

About the Author
It Starts with Good Report Writing
Legal Standards
Reasonable Suspicion
So, when is a PERSON seized?
Probable Cause
Exceptions to Search Warrants
I. Search Incident to Lawful Arrest
II. Plain View / Open Fields
III. Plain Feel
IV. Consent
V. Investigative Detention/Stop & Frisk
VI. Automobile Exception
VII. Abandoned Property
VIII. Exigent Circumstances/Hot Pursuit
IX. Emergency Circumstances
X. Community Caretaking
XI. Inventory Searches
XII. Probation/Parole Searches
XIII. School Searches
XIV. Administrative Inspections / Searches
XV. Border Searches
XVI. Independent Source/Attenuation
Developing Legal Issues
Appendix A

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